Bathroom stall doors are typically installed in tight spaces that require exact measurements and limited tolerances. For example, a typical bathroom stall door can be 34” wide and 1 ¾” thick, which theoretically provides 32 ¼” clearance and can meet the minimum 32” ADA code requirement. However, there are times when installers or door and frame manufacturers cause a loss of space that can lead to the required ADA 32” swing clearance to be compromised, which ultimately causes no code compliance.
At the same time, architects frequently seek for self-closing functionality. Doors without self-closing functions can easily remain open, and opened bathroom doors can cause challenges for disabled individuals who need to navigate toward an open stall. Opened stall doors are also not very aesthetically pleasing, particularly in higher-end commercial establishments.

Waterson swing clear self-closing hinges with speed control ensure more than 32” clearance, greater durability, ADA 5lbs opening force, over 5 seconds closing, sleek design and multiple finish options. Combined these innovative features provide exceptional functionality with aesthetics suitable for a high-end commercial business. For more information, please contact us by email at, or visit our website at