The enormous Baby Boom generation is entering its golden years, and with that more and more individuals are experiencing mobility needs. There are over 54 million Americans who have a disability. According to the U.S. Department of Justice, “nearly 19%, or one in every five residents, has a disability, and this number continues to grow.” Due to this population transformation, the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) has been enforcing American Disability Act (ADA) and Fair Housing Act (FHA) building codes as they relate to those with disabilities. FHA 32” minimum width door clearance is a significant challenge for architects who actively design buildings that are accessible and code compliant. Waterson swing away self-closing hinges not only solve the dreaded clearance problem, but also provide a number of key benefits, including: more than 33” clearance, greater durability, fire-rated compliance, ADA vertical clearance & 5lbs opening force, sleek design and multiple finish options Other swing away hinges provide 32” clear width when doors are open at 90°, however Waterson’s unique wide diameter barrel design provides more than 33” clearance. This added clearance is welcome insurance space in the event of installation oversights, as well as ensures that you avoid possible legal ramifications due to not meeting the minimum 32” code compliance.

Key Benefits
- More than 33” clearance
- Heavy-duty durability
- Fire-rated hardware
- ADA 5lbs opening force
- Sleek stainless steel design
- Multiple finish options
Project Reference
FLOR 401 Lofts, Los Angeles